Red-team resources
- - offensive security cheatsheets - interesting, well-grouped offensive security notes.
Infosecn1nja - Red-Teaming Toolkit - tons of red-team tools.
PayloadsAllTheThings - privesc, persistence, mimikatz etc.
Living Off The Land Binaries, Scripts and Libraries (LOLBAS) - binaries that are present on almost every Windows OS and how to use them in some malicious way (privilege escalation, lateral-movement).
Living Off Trusted Sites (LOTS) - legitimate websites that can be used to perform phishing, C2 communication, malware dropping or data exfiltration.
- - WinAPI functions being used in malware developement.
- - malicious file extensions being used by attackers.
- - security tools and commands to be used against Windows and AD environments.
AD Offensive Security Cheat-sheet - Active Directory offensive security techniques.