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VIM notes


VIM has two basic modes of working:

  • INSERT mode - write text as if in normal text editor
  • NORMAL mode - navigate, manipulate and execute commands
ESC - enter NORMAL mode
i   - enter INSERT mode

Moving cursor

Word context:
w                                       # Start of the next word
e                                       # End of the word
b                                       # Beginning of the word
5w                                      # Execute `b` 5 times
Go to line:
:<num>                                  # Go to :num line
:$                                      # End of a file


<num>i<phrase> + ESC                    # Insert :phrase :num times

Delete lines

:<params>d                              # Pattern 
:<start>,<end>d                         # Delete lines in range
:%d                                     # All lines
:.d                                     # Current line
:$d                                     # Last line
:.,$d                                   # From current to last line
:g/<regex>/d                            # Delete lines matching regex


NOTE: To persist configuration write certain options into .vimrc file in user's home directory.

:set <option>                           # Set option
:set no<option>                         # Unset option
:set number                             # Display line numbers
:syntax on                              # Turn on syntax highlighting

Changing opened file

CTRL + SHIFT + I                        # Last opened file (back)
CTRL + SHIFT + O                        # Last opened file (next)
:e.                                     # Open directory listing