All notes

Linux pentesting notes

1. Links, sources, wikis, tricks

  • Ired - red-team tricks
  • HackTricks - hack tricks
  • ss64 - all Powershell and Linux commands

2. Quick tools

python3 -m http.server <port>               # Simple HTTP server
dnschef                                     # Simple configurable DNS server
echo "str" | base64                         # Encode with base64 
echo "str" | base64 -d                      # Decode with base64

3. Kali Linux resources

3.1. Wordlists

/usr/share/wordlists                        # Location of wordlists 
/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt            # Most common passwords
/usr/share/seclists                         # Well grouped wordlists

3.2. Binaries

sqlitebrowser <db-file>                     # Nice browser for SQLite DB

4. Remote password bruteforcing

# Check all combinations (protocols: ssh, smb, mssql, ldap, winrm)
crackmepexec <protocol> <ip> -u <usernames> -p <passwords>
# FTP credentials bruteforcing
hydra -L <username-file> -P <passwords-file> ftp://<ip>

5. Reverse shells

RevShells - reverse shells generator

nc -lvnp <port>                             # Listener
rlwrap nc [...]                             # Fix arrows functionality

6. Exploits

6.1. Searchsploit

searchsploit --update                       # Update local DB
searchsploit <phrase>                       # Search in Exploit-DB
searchsploit -m <exploit-path>              # Copy exploit to cwd
usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/               # Default path of Exploit-DB

6.2. Metasploit

msfdb init                                  # Init Metasploit DB
msfconsole                                  # Run metasploit
> search <regex>                            # Search for exploit
> use <exploit-path>                        # Use exploit
> options                                   # Lists options
> set <OPTION> <VALUE>                      # Set option
> run                                       # Run exploit
> back                                      # Exit exploit view
# To get reverse shell (run listener): exploit/multi/handler
> CTRL + z                                  # Background current session
> sessions                                  # List all sessions
> sessions <num>                            # Restore session

7. MySQL

mysql -h <host> -u <user> [-p]              # Connect to SQL server
> show databases;                           # Get all databases
> use <db-name>;                            # Select database                 
> show tables;                              # Get all tables
> select user();                            # Get current user
> show grants;                              # Get current permissions

7.1. SqlMap

List of MySQL DBMS privileges.

# Some params to speed up process
sqlmap <params> --batch --threads 10 --dbms mysql
sqlmap -r <file.req>                        # Use request from file
# Try to get shell by SQLi (POST and GET)
# There is also "--sql-shell" flag to get SQL shell
sqlmap -u <domain> --data "<param>=*" --method POST --os-shell
sqlmap -u <domain?param=*> --os-shell
# Dump selected columns (-C) from table (-T) from DB (-D)
sqlmap <params> -D <db> -T <table> -C <c1>,<c2> --dump
# Discover
-dbs                                        # Show databases
-D <db> --tables                            # Show tables
sqlmap <params>:
    --file-read <path>                      # Read file
    --file-write <file> --file-dest <to>    # Upload file
    --current-user                          # Get current username
    --current-db                            # Get current DB
    --privileges                            # List user privileges
    --proxy <http://ip:port>                # Send requests via proxy
    --random-agent                          # Random user-agent

SqlMap middleware: To extend SqlMap capabilities you can write a simple HTTP server as a middleware. It gets payloads from SqlMap and passes them further doing some magic on the fly. With the middleware you can help SqlMap with complex behaviours and responses.

8. AJP - Apache JServ Protocol

nmap -sV --script ajp-auth,ajp-headers,ajp-methods,ajp-request -Pn -p 8009 <IP>

Known exploit: GhostCat (LFI)

9. Interesting files to loot

# System configs
/etc/shadow                                 # Password hashes (root)
/etc/sudoers                                # List of sudoers (root)
/etc/passwd                                 # All users
/etc/group                                  # All groups
/etc/hostname                               # Hostname
/etc/issue                                  # Linux distro
/etc/*-release                              # Linux distro
/etc/crontab                                # CRON
/etc/hosts                                  # Routing
/etc/syslog.conf                            # 
/etc/resolv.conf                            # DNS
/etc/sysctl.conf                            # Kernel
/etc/aliases                                # Aliases
/var/run/utmp                               # Current user info
/var/log/wtmp                               # Login and logouts info
# Logs
/var/log/auth.log                           # Auth attempts logs
/var/log/nginx/access.log                   # Nginx HTTP logs
/var/log/syslog                             # OS events
/var/log/faillog                            # Failed login attempts
# User's information 
/home/<u>/.ssh/id_rsa                       # SSH private key
# Software configs
/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default            # Nginx website settings
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf                       # Nginx
/etc/http.conf                              # Apache
/etc/samba/smb.conf                         # SMB
/etc/mysql/my.cnf                           # MySQL
/etc/postfix/                        # Postfix SMTP
/etc/ssh/sshd_config                        # SSHd
/var/run/                           # SSHd PID
# Current (self) process
/proc/self/comm                             # Command
/proc/self/status                           # Detailed info
/proc/self/environ                          # Environment variables

10. Shell tricks

This tricks might be used to bypass some command-injection filters etc.

10.1. Spaces without actual ,[object Object], character

{echo,test1,test2}                 == echo 'test1' 'test2'
echo${IFS}test1                    == echo 'test1
CMD=$'\x20test1\x20test2';echo$CMD == echo 'test1' 'test2'

11. Privilege escalation

GTFO Bins - commands to perform priv-escalation.

11.1. Shell upgrading

which python python2 python3
python3 -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/usr/bin/bash')"
script /dev/null -c bash

11.2. Weakness discovering

sudo -ll                                    # List user's privileges
sudo -v                                     # Check sudo rights for user
find <dir> -perm /u=s 2>/dev/null           # Find SUID files
w                                           # Show logged-in users
last                                        # Show last logged-in users

12. Hash cracking

hashid -m <hash-string>                     # Identify hash algorithm        
john --wordlist=<wordlist> <hash-file>      # Brute-force hash
zip2john <> > hash                  # Get pass hash from zip
hashcat <hash-file> <wordlist>              # Crack hash (auto-detect)
hashcat -m 0 <hash-file> <wordlist>         # Crack hash (MD5 mode)
hashcat -h | grep "Hash modes" -A400        # Get all modes

13. Connecting

ssh <user>@<ip> -i <private-key-file>       # SSH using private key
ftp anonymous@<ip>                          # FTP as a guest